Thursday, 26 November 2015


Before we begin, lets me define what is processor,
A processor is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. The term processor has generally replaced the term central processing unit (CPU). The processor in a personal computer or embedded in small devices is often called a microprocessor. It like a brain of the computer. The most popular computer processor brand is INTEL and AMD

The battle between two monster

the unending war between this too giant company have brought our world to many different kind of processor with enhancement capabilities.

Intel with high core power to boost the best gaming performance, while AMD strive to give the same core with lowest price.

So I think a little bit of comparison can make you choose wise in forging armor for your computer.

AMD vs Intel: which one is cheapest?

If you are thinking about a budget computer gaming, AMD is the better one as it provide a cheap with reasonable price. AMD chips also tend to offer better integrated graphics at any given price point. The AMD A10-7870K, for example, can play most games at low to medium detail and 1080p resolution. It’s no gaming powerhouse, but it greatly exceeds the performance of any Intel HD Graphics solution, so you might be better off with AMD if you need to play League of Legends on a budget.

AMD vs Intel: which one is best for gaming?

For budget gaming, AMD wins hands down – it bought graphics processor firm ATI back in 2006 and since then the company has invested heavily in graphics technology, especially for mobile devices such as laptops. However, if you're serious about gaming then you'll be going for a dedicated graphics card rather than relying on integrated graphics systems – and in that case Intel may well be the better bet, because Intel processors deliver more impressive performance alongside high-end graphics cards.

AMD vs Intel: which one offers the best performance?

If you look at the fastest high-end systems around, they're generally Intel-powered – although once you get to those heady heights the differences between similarly specified Intel Core i7 and AMD A10 PCs can often be microscopic. If you're a fan of overclocking, you'll find AMD processors are often more accommodating than Intel ones.

AMD vs Intel: which one will burst into flames?

Processor heat dissipation is usually expressed in TDP, which is short for Thermal Design Power. This is the average maximum heat a processor is likely to emit while running normal commercial software, and manufacturers publish it so that PC and accessory firms know how hot things are likely to get and how hard the cooling system will need to work. For the AMD A10-7870K the TDP is 95 watts, and for the Intel Core i5 4440 it's 84 watts.

That's a difference you'll see repeatedly if you compare similarly powerful processors from each firm, as while both companies have been pushing for ever more efficient processors, Intel has been doing a better job of keeping things cool. That's an ongoing process, too – when we tested the new Intel Core i7 5775C processor we found that even when overclocked to 4.2GHz, the CPU kept well under 60 degrees.

AMD vs Intel: which is best?

If you want budget gaming, the smart money's on AMD until Iris Pro-packing Intel chips drop in price. If power's all-important and money no object, it has to be Intel all the way. For everything else, it's about weighing up the pros and cons: AMD's lower cost versus Intel's better performance, or AMD's better integrated graphics versus Intel's better results with high-end graphics cards.
And more than anything, you must consider what you actually want to do with your PC. It's all very well dropping on a 4GHz Core i7 4790K, but it's a bit much if all you want to do is edit Google Docs.

If your requirements are a little more complex than that, however, then the short answer is, once again – it depends.

Saturday, 21 November 2015


salam.. so kita mulakan ngan benda2 yg selalu org buat bila jumpa aku, driver missing.. mcm2 la contohnya wifi xdetect, so dia tanda pangkah.. sound xdak.. cursor mouse hilang.. mcm2 la boleh jadi bila driver hilang/corrupt/xinstall/etc..
so cara nk taw ialah bukak device manager nie.. so kalau ada driver yg problem/missing.. dia akan ada tanda kuning kt situ..
device manager

Cara nk recover driver yg missing tu:
1. masa beli laptop kn.. kalau yg beli baru dari kedai, konfem dia akan bg cd.. cd tu ialah cd driver.. incase la korg format ke, terdelete driver or driver corrupt.. korg try je masukkn cd tu.. n install balik driver mana yg xdetect.. so kalau ada simpan cd tu mana2, try la cari balik.. kalau guna cd pun xboleh.. try cara seterusnya..
2. tekan start pastu taip device manager.. bukak device manager (tgk gmbr 1).. lepas tu, right click kt driver tu.. pastu pilih ‘update driver sofware’ and dia akan bg pilihan antara
‘search automatically for updated driver software’ atau
‘browse my computer for driver software’ (tgk gmbr 2).. so kalau ada internet pilih search automatically and tunggu sampai dia download n install driver tu.. dia akan search online for driver tu.. if xboleh jugak, try browse my computer utk find driver dia.. if either cara nie xberkesan.. atau korg xpandai nk godek bagai mcm nie.. sila guna cara seterusnya.
device manager 2
3. search by your laptop name or brand kt internet..
korg kena rajin la mengoogle.. so aku suggest korg pegi ke website support center
sampai je kt website support nie.. korg kena key in jenis model laptop korg.. bagi yg xtaw dekat bwh laptop akan ada sticker yg tulis jenis model laptop korg.. pastu dah pilih.. kena choose pulak jenis OS (windows/mac).. pilih windows apa pastu kena pilih system type dia.. ada yg 32-bit / 64-bit.. pastu akan keluar la list device yg sama waktu dengannya.. so download la driver mana yg missing.. kalau korg xpasti nama driver tu.. aku suggest download je semua driver pastu install.. contoh Wifi driver. ada yg lain2 ikut jenis laptop.. ada guna atheros, broadcom, intel, ralink, n etc.. so kalau korg xpasti download je.. n install sbb cuma jenis yg betul je akan di accept oleh laptop korg.. install je driver itu ikut arahan dia..
kalau korg google
contoh : Asus A43SD driver windows 10, Dell inspiron 1440 wifi driver windows 7..
kt internet tu akan muncul la mcm2 link.. so aku suggest either korg pegi je kt support center atau download dari page or blog yg sediakan link2 utk download driver.. xpyh nk guna software yg jadi 3rd party nie.. sbb selalunya diorg nie penuh ngan ads n akan kena install mcm2 software laen.. so download je terus driver tu.. sbb pengalaman aku la.. merepek je software 3rd party nie.. kena daftar bagai la.. so jadi mcm menyusahkan pulak..
kalau xdak langsung cara di atas menjadi, try bawak ke pakar utk dibantu.. maybe sbb driver tu pelik ckit ke.. nama dia lain ke.. or maybe device tu problem ke.. so try la rujuk pakar.. atau kalau nk try jugak wt sendiri.. sila bertanya disini diruang komen.. apa2 mslh aku try tlg.. mohon support.. (^_^)